Monday, March 31, 2008

TKAM upcoming test on April 11th!!

We will also be having a test on the first part of TKAM on Friday, April 11th.
I will give you more information about this test in class tomorrow.

Mon. March 31, 2008

  • Reading TKAM
  • Students handed in 5 paragraph essays
  • Homework check on "Going Home to Auschwitz"
  • Discussed questions
  • Non-fiction test: You will read a piece of non-fiction writing and you must be able to identify the following:

Thesis statement (explicit/implicit)

Rhetorical questions (effect of each)

Main arguments (explain how each argument supports the thesis -- choose strongest argument and defend your choice)

Tone of the piece (author's attitude towards the subject ie: sarcastic, serious, humorous, etc)

Purpose: what was the reason or goal for writing this piece (to persuade, educate, inform, etc.)

Type of writing (essay: persuasive,narrative,descriptive, expository, diary entry, article, speech, etc.)

You are also responsible for all notes and questions relating to non-fiction or essay writing.

You are responsible for the questions on the following pieces of writing in your Sighlines book:

"My Left Foot"

"Rick Hansen: The Only Wheelchair in Town"

"My Body is my Own Business"

"My Body"

"None of the Above"

"Going Home to Auschwitz"

"The Diary of Anne Frank"

You are also responsible for the material covered in the in-class essay assignment "Characteristics of an Essay".

You should know what makes a good thesis statment. If you wish to read over additional notes you can download the following :

Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday, March 28

  • Passed in TKAM questions 1-9
  • Passed out information on midterm evaluation
  • Worked on questions "Going Home to Auschwitz" for homework
  • 5 paragraph essay is due on Monday!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27

  • TKAM reading/questions
  • Copied questions for "Going Home to Auschwitz"
  • Worked on questions
  • Reviewed outline for 5 paragraph essay due Monday
  • TKAM questions 1-9 due tomorrow~!!

5 paragraph essay: You need to include the following:

Title page


Rough draft


Your outline should look something like the following example:

Topic: Obesity Epidemic

Thesis Statement:

I. Topic (Introduction)

A. (supporting information)

B. " "

II. Topic



III. Topic



IV. Topic



V. Conclusion

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26th

  • Ind. Reading TKAM/questions
  • Discussed "Holocaust" and "Auschwitz"
  • Read "Going Home to Auschwitz" Sightlines pg. 291
  • TKAM questions due Friday
  • Essay due Monday
  • Bank Mark: Do Jewish people refrain from eating pork? If so, on what days?

Tuesday, March 25

  • TKAM independent reading
  • Worked on questions
  • TKAM overhead
  • Discussion
  • 5 paragraph essays are due Monday
  • TKAM questions 1-9 are due Friday
  • 5 paragraph sample essay and rubric were handed out

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 paragraph essay information

5 Paragraph Essay -- Due: March 28th
Obesity Epidemic

Your mission is to write a 5-paragraph essay which explores the reasons behind the obesity epidemic which is plaguing today’s society.
Choose three areas from the following topics to elaborate on:

Availability of fast food
Lack of exercise
Increased use of television/video games
Lack of time
Lack of parental influence (rise of the two-income family)

For each area, write a short explanatory paragraph. You must include a topic sentence which is then supported by specific details. Each paragraph should be between 5-9 lines.

Outline for your essay is as follows:

Introductory Paragraph (First Paragraph): Introduces the topic and includes the thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs (Paragraphs 2-4): Should each contain an area on which you choose to explore.
Concluding paragraph (Paragraph 5): Re-statement of thesis statement using different words, brings essay to a close.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday, March 13th

  • Free Write (writing portfolios)
  • Copied instructions for 5 paragraph essay due: March 28th
  • Read TKAM and worked on questions
  • Spelling Bee

Wednesday, March 12th

Sorry for the delay!!! I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable March Break...I will miss you all (can't believe I actually wrote that! lol)

  • Read Joshua Freed's None of the Above (Sightlines pg 382-383)
  • Copied questions from overhead
  • Discussed upcoming novel study for TKAM now due May 2nd
  • Chapter 1-10 question TKAM due March 28th (Friday)
  • Answered questions from My Body (Sightlines)
  • Hand-out "How to write a 5 paragraph essay"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 11

  • In-class essay assignment
  • TKAM: reading/questions

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10th

  • Passed out permission forms to be handed in tomorrow
  • Important in-class assignment to be done in class tomorrow (you will have to complete it at lunch if you miss)
  • In-class group essay analysis -- worth marks

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thursday, March 6

  • Reading
  • passed back TKAM learning station packages
  • passed back "Sex in the Media" assignments
  • TKAM impromptu test Ch.1&2
  • Copied questions from overhead for "My Body"
  • Read/viewed comic strip -- questions should be completed for homework

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pop Quiz

There will be a short "pop quiz" tomorrow on the first two chapters of TKAM (must know information about characters).

Good luck!

Tuesdsay, March 4th

  • Library: TKAM learning stations (handed in at the end of class)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday, March 3

  • Passed back "Thank-you letters"

  • In library for Day #1 of TKAM learning stations

  • Go directly to the library tomorrow.